Creative Tourism
Greg Richards is one of the originators of the creative tourism concept. The basic idea is to engage people in local culture and creativity through activities that are characteristic of the destination. This provides a links between local people, place, culture and tourists which enhances the experience and increases the value of encounters. The concept has been implemented around the world, thanks to the global Creative Tourism Network and their partners. There is a growing range of resources on creative tourism development and marketing, generated by local communities, local experts, researchers and projects such as the CREATOUR project. This page provides links to some of recent publications, but for a full range of publications see Greg Richards' Researchgate profile. For more personalised advice on creative tourism development, marketing and training, get in touch.
Second edition, 2019
Greg Richards, Jutamas Jan Wisansing,
Elena Paschinger and the DASTA Team
This toolkit provides the “how to” and examples from other creative tourism destinations. It shows that creative tourism can be visualised and
created in many alternative ways. There is no “one size fits all formula”.
Elena Paschinger, the author of the Creative Traveller’s Handbook, highlights several interesting cases from other parts of the world; this helps us realise that creative tourism needs “creativity” which can never be limited to one formula. The toolkit aims to add a practical dimension to the existing body of knowledge in the field of creative tourism. With eyes on the wide range of literature, Greg Richards reviewed, reframed, and reflected for us on the future of creative tourism. To make this toolkit useful to all practitioners and academia, the Creative Tourism Network®
and DASTA have created an open source for all to access information on
creative tourism, so that together we can offer more creative solutions for “creating creative tourism”.
A Research Agenda for Creative Tourism
Nancy Duxbury and Greg Richards
Original and thought-provoking, this book investigates how creative experiences, interactions, and place-specific dynamics and contexts combine to give shape to the expanding field of creative tourism across the globe. Exploring the evolution of research in this field, the authors investigate pathways for future research that advance conceptual questions and pragmatic issues.
Creative Tourism in Smaller Communities
Edited by Kathleen Scherf
A collection of studies on the role of creative tourism in supporting and developing smaller places. With a conclusion from Greg Richards. Free to download from University of Calgary Press.
ATLAS Creative Tourism Bibliography 2021
The latest edition of the ATLAS Creative Tourism Bibliography highlights the rapid growth of research in this area in recent years. We are always happy to hear about new research on creative tourism, and we welcome contributions in languages other than English as well.

Brazilian Creative Industries Journal 2021
This paper examines the position of crafts within the creative industries and considers how this has been affected by the growing links between the creative industries and tourism. A review of the creative industries concept indicates that crafts occupy an ambiguous position between art and tradition, which problematises their relationship with the creative industries. This is gradually changing at the creative and tourism sectors become more closely linked, and craft has become an important element of the development of creative tourism experiences. We review the role of craft in creative tourism, including case studies from Brazil, Finland, and Thailand, to examine how tourism can support the creative development of crafts. This analysis indicates that craft can be an important aspect of creative tourism development in different contexts and can provide a strong basis for placemaking initiatives.
Creative Tourism: Bouncing back or bouncing forward?
An article in Uncover Magazine, considering the relationship between creative tourism and resilience during the Pandemic.